🔁Index Request

this method returns view or JsonResponse based on the request type. and we get the request type by check if the route has splade middleware or not.

this method accept some arguments:

  • request the request object

  • model the model you want to get

  • view the view you want to return

  • table the table class you want to use

  • data the data you want to pass to the view

  • api if you want to return JsonResponse or not

  • resource resource class to resource your returned data

  • query if you want to add some query to the model

  • filters if you want to add some filters to the table

public function index(Request $request): View|JsonResponse
    return Tomato::index(
        request: $request, //Required
        model: $this->model, //Required
        view: 'users.index', 
        table: \App\Tables\UserTable::class,
        data: [
            'name' => 'john doe',
        api: true,
        resource: UserResource::class,
        query: User::query()->where('is_activated',true),
        filters: [

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