
you can publish a config file by using this command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="tomato-cms-config"

you can publish view files by using this command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="tomato-cms-views"

you can publish language files by using this command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="tomato-cms-lang"

you can publish migration files by using this command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="tomato-cms-migrations"

Config File


return [
    "sections_buttons" => null,
    "behance_username" => null,
    "behance_service_id" => null,
    "youtube_key" => null

you can add more buttons to the index of the section by just passing a blade path to the sections_buttons

our CMS supports data crawling to collect data from other platforms, using dusk, so you can set your behanace_username to the config and we will find your projects

as you can see there is a types of posts like open-source it's take a data from GitHub if you passing a repo name

and a videos type that's take the data from youtube, but it's need a key

Last updated

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