๐Ÿ”ƒClone Repo

login to your server using your terminal with SSH with the user of a created project

ssh youproject@yourIpAddress

If you are using a password to log in, the SSH command would be:

ssh -i path_to_your_private_key root@yourIpAddress

If you are using a private key to log in, the SSH command would be:

Login via SSH to the Server.

you are on the server user and you can generate an SSH key to link it with your GitHub Project to generate this key use this command line

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email@example.com"

and you can just click enter after finishing you will get a path ending with .pub copy the path and then use this command to view the path SSH key content and then copy it

cat .ssh/rsa.pub

where.ssh/rsa.pub is the path of your key

now go to your GitHun Repo and on the Settings Tab, select Deploy keys and then add deploy Key and then select a name add your SSH key then save it.

now your server has access to this repo and you can clone it so go back to your server and then on the path of the project it can look like this

cd /home/yourproject/htdocs/yourproject.com

and clone your repo like this

git clone git@github.com:tomatophp/tomato.git .

it will clone the project on the current directory

now it's time to install the composer packages and set up the project .env file follow these steps

Copy .env file

use this command to copy .env.example

cp .env.example .env

now update your details and create a new database from Cloudpanel on the Database Tab create a new database, then add the details of the database to .env


change the main URL in .env file


Install Composer packages and clean the project

to install composer packages just use this command

composer install

then you can run your project command and the important one is

php artisan key:generate
php artisan config:cache
php artisan storage:link
php artisan optimize:clear

now your app is ready for Frontend assets to make this work you need to install npm

Install NVM/NPM/Yarn

Install nvm with the following command:

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.2/install.sh | bash

Update the current shell environment:

source ~/.bashrc

Install your required Node.js version e.g. 18:

nvm install 18

Activate the installed Node.js version:

nvm use 18

Done! Check the Node.js version:

node -v

now you can install Yarn using this command

npm -g i yarn

now you can easily run yarn to build assets

yarn & yarn build

your project is ready now and you can view it on your browser.

Last updated

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