
GitHub Integration

to integrate and connect GitHub to your server you need to add this config to your services.php config

'github' => [
    'client_id' => env('GITHUB_CLIENT_ID'),
    'client_secret' => env('GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET'),
    'redirect' => 'https://example.com/admin/github/callback',

where https://example.com is your domain name and on your .env file change GITHUB_CLIENT_ID GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET with your own.

now you need to create a new app on your GitHub, The simplest way to create a GitHub app is to go to GitHub itself:

  • Go to the Settings page of our profile.

  • Go to Developer Setting from the left menu.

  • Click on the New GitHub App button.

now your GitHub is connected and you can try to add new Credentials to GitHub.

Integrate Cloudflare

you can integrate your Cloudflare to auto-add your subdomains to Cloudflare, by just adding these values

  • Cloudflare ZONE ID [The ZONE ID of your domain on Cloudflare]

  • Cloudflare Email [Your Cloudflare email]

  • Cloudflare API Key [Your Cloudflare API Key With Zone Management Permissions]

Change WebHook URL

we use webhook to interact with server tasks, so you need to make your URL online you can use services like Ngrok to share your local server to be online, or just upload your project and get a domain, then on your .env file add this var


make sure that you add endpoint of the webhook to VerifyCsrfToken on $except array like this

protected $except = [

Publish Assets

you can publish a config file by using this command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="tomato-eddy-config"

you can publish view files by using this command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="tomato-eddy-views"

you can publish language files by using this command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="tomato-eddy-lang"

you can publish migration files by using this command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="tomato-eddy-migrations"

Last updated

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