
you can use the filament native notification and we add some macro for you

use Filament\Notifications\Notification;

    ->title('Test Notifications')
    ->body('This is a test notification')

Notification Service

to create a new template you can use template CRUD and make sure that the template key is unique because you will use it on every single notification.

to send a notification you must use our helper SendNotification::class like


where $template is selected of the template by key and $matchesTitle and $matchesBody is an array of matches to replace the template and $titleFill and $titleBody are an array of values to replace the matches

Notification Channels

you can use multiple notification channels like

  • Email

  • SMS

  • FCM

  • Pusher

  • Database

  • Slack

  • Discord

it can be working with direct user methods like

$user->notifySMSMisr(string $message);
$user->notifyEmail(string $message, ?string $subject = null, ?string $url = null);
$user->notifyFCMSDK(string $message, string $type='web', ?string $title=null, ?string $url=null, ?string $image=null, ?string $icon=null, ?array $data=[]);
$user->notifyPusherSDK(string $token, string $title, string $message);
$user->notifyDB(string $message, ?string $title=null, ?string $url =null);
$user->notifySlack(string $title,string $message=null,?string $url=null, ?string $image=null, ?string $webhook=null);
$user->notifyDiscord(string $title,string $message=null,?string $url=null, ?string $image=null, ?string $webhook=null);

Last updated