
composer require tomatophp/filament-accounts

after installing your package please run this command

php artisan filament-accounts:install

if you are not using this package as a plugin please register the plugin on /app/Providers/Filament/AdminPanelProvider.php


Publish Account Model

you can publish your account model to add other relations or implement some interfaces by using this command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-accounts-model"

now go to your filament-accounts.php config file and change the model value to the new one.

if you don't find it you can publish it

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-accounts-config"

Add Accounts Guard

now you need to add a new guard to your auth.php config like this


return [
    * Features of Tomato CRM
    * accounts: Enable/Disable Accounts Feature
    "features" => [
        "accounts" => true,
        "meta" => true,
        "locations" => true,
        "contacts" => true,
        "requests" => true,
        "notifications" => true,
        "loginBy" => true,
        "avatar" => true,
        "types" => true,
        "teams" => true,
        "apis" => true,
        "send_otp" => true,
        "impersonate" => [
            'active'=> true,
            'redirect' => '/app',

     * Accounts Configurations
     * resource: User Resource Class
    "resource" => null,

     * Accounts Configurations
     * login_by: Login By Phone or Email
    "login_by" => "email",

     * Accounts Configurations
     * required_otp: Enable/Disable OTP Verification
    "required_otp" => true,

     * Accounts Configurations
     * model: User Model Class
    "model" => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAccounts\Models\Account::class,

     * Accounts Configurations
     * guard: Auth Guard
    "guard" => "accounts",

     * Accounts Relations Managers
     * you can set selected relations to show in account resource
    "relations" => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAccounts\Filament\Resources\AccountResource\Releations\AccountReleations::class,

     * Accounts Resource Builder
     * you can change the form, table, actions and filters of account resource by using filament-helpers class commands
     * link: https://github.com/tomatophp/filament-helpers
    "accounts" => [
        "form" => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAccounts\Filament\Resources\AccountResource\Forms\AccountsForm::class,
        "table" => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAccounts\Filament\Resources\AccountResource\Tables\AccountsTable::class,
        "actions" => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAccounts\Filament\Resources\AccountResource\Actions\AccountsActions::class,
        "filters" => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAccounts\Filament\Resources\AccountResource\Filters\AccountsFilters::class,
        "pages" =>  \TomatoPHP\FilamentAccounts\Filament\Resources\AccountResource\Pages\AccountPagesList::class,

    "teams" => [
        "allowed" => false,
        "model" => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAccounts\Models\Team::class,
        "invitation" => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAccounts\Models\TeamInvitation::class,
        "membership" => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAccounts\Models\Membership::class,
        "resource" => \TomatoPHP\FilamentAccounts\Filament\Resources\TeamResource::class,


Last updated