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as we like to make everything more easy for our community, in this article we will explain how you can get your terminal to be like this one.
we start by installing zsh and ohMyZsh packages to add their features to our terminal
now zsh and OhMyZsh are installed successfully, we will add some plugins to make it easier to use the terminal.
we will add 2 plugins syntax-highlighting
and zsh-autosuggestions
these 2 plugins make the code and command on the terminal highlighted and the code you right will be saved to your terminal it will auto-complete it for you
now you need to allow this plugin on OhMyZsh config
search about plugins and add this
to make OhMyZsh work with icons you need to install this font
and you can download it from here
now it's time to make your terminal look pro just install powerlevel10k theme
now change the main theme on the OhMyZsh config
Now, searching for the theme can change it
now close your terminal and open it again to restart zsh and after that start your config
after config your theme you will see the new theme.