⏯️Use as a Livewire Component

go to route admin/menus and create a new menu and you will get the code of the livewire component

you can build a menu just by using this command as a livewire component

<x-filament-menu menu="header" />

where header is a key to menu and you will get the code ready on the Table list of menus

you can use custom view ex:

<x-filament-menu menu="header" view="menu-item" />

by default, we use Tailwind as a main view with this code

@foreach ($menuItems as $item)
<a class="text-gray-500" href="{{ $item['url'] }}" @if($item['blank']) target="_blank" @endif>
    <span class="flex justify-between">
        @if(isset($item['icon']) && !empty($item['icon']))
        <x-icon class="w-4 h-4 mx-2" name="{{ $item['icon'] }}"></x-icon>
        {{ $item['title'] }}

or you can use a direct helper menu($key) to get the menu items

@foreach (menu('header') as $item)
<a class="text-gray-500" href="{{ $item['url'] }}" @if($item['blank']) target="_blank" @endif>
    <span class="flex justify-between">
        @if(isset($item['icon']) && !empty($item['icon']))
        <x-icon class="w-4 h-4 mx-2" name="{{ $item['icon'] }}"></x-icon>
        {{ $item['title'] }}

Last updated