
Default config is:


return [

    | Middleware list for web routes
    | You can pass any middleware for routes, by default it's just [web] group
    | of middleware.
    'middlewares' => [
//        'auth'

    | Route prefix
    | Prefix for gui routes. By default url is [/~artisan-gui].
    | For your wish you can set it for example 'my-'. So url will be [/my-artisan-gui].
    | Why tilda? It's selected for prevent route names correlation.
    'prefix' => '~',

    | Home url
    | Where to go when [home] button is pressed
    'home' => '/',

    | Only on local
    | Flag that preventing showing commands if environment is on production
    'local' => true,

    | List of commands
    | List of all default commands that has end of execution. Commands like
    | [serve] not supported in case of server side behavior of php.
    | Keys means group. You can shuffle commands as you wish and add your own.
    'commands' => [
        // ...


and now clear cache

php artisan optimize:clear

Last updated