
you can create a new project with our kit or use this package Tomat Admin

composer create-project tomatophp/tomato

create a new database and add your database credentials to .env file


change the main URL in .env file


clear cache of config

php artisan config:cache

and run the migration

php artisan migrate

install frontend packages

yarn build

now your app is ready to login admin/login

you can use admin@admin.com and password as a username and password for admin.

enjoy it 🍅

Using Docker? no problem

if you are using docker as your development env you can up the project in a very easy way by just using this command


The bin/serve script is for installing the dependencies and setting up the local environment. The only requirement beforehand is that Docker/Docker Desktop is installed.

Run WebSocket

you can run your socket server just by running this command without any config

php artisan websocket:serve

Ubuntu Auto Install Script

if you have a fresh install Ubuntu OS you can install all needs for Tomato by just using 1 line


it will start the install script and ask you for your root password.

Allow Spatie Media Library inside your app

if you want to use media features inside your app you need to complete setup of Spatie Media Library, it's easy just publish the migration and migrate it.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryServiceProvider"

now run your migration

php artisan migrate

now it's time to allow modules on your app by just adding this line to composer.json

"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "Modules\\" : "Modules/"

Installed Plugins

More Plugins

to install this package you can use this command line

php artisan tomato:plugins


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Last updated