🌟Tomato SaaS

Build and manage SaaS apps with easy GUI


composer require tomatophp/tomato-saas

after installing your package please run this command

php artisan tomato-saas:install

Publish Assets

you can publish a config file by using this command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="tomato-saas-config"

you can publish views file by using this command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="tomato-saas-views"

you can publish languages file by using this command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="tomato-saas-lang"

you can publish migrations file by using this command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="tomato-saas-migrations"

add this to config/database.php

    'dynamic' => [
        'driver' => 'mysql',
        'url' => env('DATABASE_URL'),
        'host' => env('DB_HOST', ''),
        'port' => env('DB_PORT', '3306'),
        'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', 'forge'),
        'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'forge'),
        'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''),
        'unix_socket' => env('DB_SOCKET', ''),
        'charset' => 'utf8mb4',
        'collation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci',
        'prefix' => '',
        'prefix_indexes' => true,
        'strict' => true,
        'engine' => null,
        'options' => extension_loaded('pdo_mysql') ? array_filter([
            PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA => env('MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA'),
        ]) : [],


you can join our discord server to get support TomatoPHP


you can check docs of this package on Docs


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see SECURITY for more information about the security.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Last updated